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assertion(cond, error?) is a custom assertion function that utilizes asserts from typescript 3.7.
-> This function is mainly build for internal use, but can also be used outside of typegoose


let someMultiValue: string | number | boolean = 'Hello';
// "someMultiValue"'s type is currently "string | number | boolean", even with a string defined
assertion(typeof someMultiValue === 'string');
// now the type of "someMultiValue" is just "string" and an error is thrown if it is not a string

The function is named assertion and not assert, so do not confuse it and the types of testing frameworks and from NodeJS itself.


assertionIsClass(class) is like assertion, but with a set condition and error pre-defined.
-> this function is mainly built for internal use, but can also be used outside of typegoose