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Frequently Asked Questions

Do binaries get automatically deleted?

No, this package will not delete any binaries, so after an system / package upgrade the binaries may have to be cleaned manually.

Why is there no documentation about class-options / interfaces in the documentation?

It is currently recommended to directly look at the TSDoc for these properties to get their type & documentation.

Do testing database paths get cleaned up?

If the Database-path is a temporary directory (generated with mkdtemp), then it will automatically get cleaned-up when calling .stop(), this can be disabled with .stop(false).
If the Database-path is manually set with dbPath, then it needs to be manually cleaned-up with .cleanup(true).


Since 8.4.0 objects can also be used instead of just booleans for parameter in stop and cleanup (the same applies to MongoMemoryReplSet).

For Example .stop({ doCleanup: false }) can be used instead of .stop(false).

Does this package support Explicit Resource Management?

Yes, [Symbol.asyncDispose] is implemented for all manager classes, behavior can be configured via dispose options:


Note that when using await using server = that [Symbol.asyncDispose] is called at the end of the scope even if the value is reassigned to something out of the current scope.