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Migrate to version 9.0.0

Here are the Important changes made for 9.0.0

Important, Read this first

This Guide is written for migration from version 8.16.0 to 9.0.0, for versions >9.0.0 <10.0.0, please consult the CHANGELOG

Breaking Changes

Minimal NodeJS version is now 14

With 9.0.0 the minimal nodejs required is 14.20.1.

Mongodb Driver Version upgraded to 5.x

The used MongoDB Driver version is now 5.9.0.

Default binary version is now 6.x

The default binary version has been upgraded from 5.0.x to 6.0.x. For more specifics see mongodb-server-versions.

Removed platform translations

Some platform translations have been removed, because they are either not needed anymore or werent properly supported in the first place:

  • sunos -> linux
  • elementary OS -> linux

Removed architectures

Some architectures were removed because they were not being build by mongodb anymore and support in mongodb-memory-server has been largely untested:

  • ia32 -> i686 / i386

MongoMemoryServer instance.auth option is now ignored

With 9.0.0 the option instance.auth option is going to be ignored, because its set via the (top-level) auth option directly.


new MongoMemoryServer({ instance: { auth: true } }) is going to be ignored, use new MongoMemoryServer({ auth: { enable: true } })

AutomaticAuth changes

AutomaticAuth has been changed to not be enabled anymore by just having a empty object. Also property disable has been removed and enable has been added.

Replace auth: {} with auth: { enable: true }.
Replace auth: { disable: true } with auth: { enable: false }.
Replace auth: { disable: false } with auth: { enable: true }.

MongoMemoryServer and MongoReplSet .cleanup(boolean) and .stop(boolean) have been removed

Previously boolean was the only option for the .cleanup and .stop function, but they behaved differently between those 2 function and were replaced with Cleanup object-options and now have been completely removed.

Replace .stop(true) with .stop({ doCleanup: true }).
Replace .cleanup(true) with .stop({ doCleanup: true, force: true }).

Default is still for both { doCleanup: true, force: false }.

MD5_CHECK is now enabled by default

The config option MD5_CHECK has been enabled by default now, resulting in always comparing the downloaded archive with a md5 after a download.

Merged Error types

Some error classes have been merged:

  • EnsureInstanceError & InstanceInfoError -> InstanceInfoError
  • NoSystemBinaryFoundError & BinaryNotFoundError -> BinaryNotFoundError

Removed Storage engine devnull and mmapv1

Storage Engines devnull and mmapv1 have been removed because they are not supported in newer versions of mongodb anymore, wiredTiger should be used instead.

Linux fallback binary has been removed

Previously there was a code-path for a fallback linux binary, but this has been removed because mongodb has stopped shipping generic linux binaries since versions after 4.0.

If a fallback is still required, try to use the ubuntu binary via Config Options DISTRO.

Ubuntu fallback year has been updated

The ubuntu fallback year has been updated to 22, instead of the previous 14, because newer versions of mongodb dont ship for any EOL ubuntu version anymore.

This fallback is only used if the ubuntu year could not be parsed from the os-file.
This can also be overwritten with Config Option DISTRO.

Non-Breaking changes / Additions

Compiler target is now es2019

The tsconfig target option has been updated to es2019, which will result in less polyfills. This should be a non-breaking change

Crypto function have been changed to use nodejs internals

Crypto functions like for the md5 check and uuidv4 generation have been moved to use the node:crypto support, resulting in dropping 2 dependencies.

Dropped dependencies are md5-file and uuid.

Binary childprocess is now also .unref()

The Mongodb Binary childprocess is now also .unref(), like the killer process has been for some time.

This should help with non-closed instances not exiting the nodejs process.

The port testing package has been replaced

Previously MMS used get-port, but it caused some big memory-leakage across big projects, so it has been replaced with one that uses less maps.

It also has been replaced because newer versions were ESM only, but we couldnt switch to ESM yet (and using ESM in CommonJS is not a great experience)

Mongodb version 7.0.0 is now supported

Mongob version 7.0.0 removed storage engine ephemeralForTest, with mongodb-memory-server 9.0.0 storage engine wiredTiger is the default for binary versions 7.0.0 and higher. Older versions (before 7.0.0) will still continue to use ephemeralForTest by default.


The version used for the decision is the version provided via the resolved VERSION config option.
This mean it needs to match the version the system binary is (a warning is printed if they are not the same).

If the option is unset, the default version will be used, which is likely not correct for the system binary.

If the decision should not be automatic, the storage engine can be explicitly defined as a instance option.

It is recommended to run those instances with a db path which is equivalent to tmpfs.