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Quick Start Guide

This Guide will show how to setup this package for basic use


The Examples on this page assume Top-Level async-await for readability.
If Top-Level async-await is not available for your case, the code can in most cases be wrapped like:

(async () => {
// async code in where


  • NodeJS: 12.22+
  • Typescript: 4.4+ (if used)

When on Linux, one of the following are required:

  • having lsb-core installed (or any that provides the lsb_release command)
  • having an /etc/os-release file that is compliant to the OS-Release Spec
  • having an /etc/*-release file that is compliant to the OS-Release Spec (and does not include lsb)
  • manually specify which version & system should be used

On Linux, you will also need libcurl (or libcurl3 on some older distro versions). This will probably only be an issue on "slim" Docker images.

Choose the right package

There are multiple packages for this project, here are the differences:

  • mongodb-memory-server-core is the main package, which does not have any hooks on install
  • mongodb-memory-server adds hooks to install on yarn install or npm install to install the latest package locally
  • mongodb-memory-server-global adds hooks to install on yarn install or npm install to install the latest package globally (into $HOME)
  • mongodb-memory-server-global-X.X adds hooks to install on yarn install or npm install to install MongoDB with version X.X globally (into $HOME)

Normal Server

A Normal Server can be easily started with:

import { MongoMemoryServer } from 'mongodb-memory-server';

// This will create an new instance of "MongoMemoryServer" and automatically start it
const mongod = await MongoMemoryServer.create();

const uri = mongod.getUri();

// The Server can be stopped again with
await mongod.stop();


A ReplicaSet can be easily started with:

import { MongoMemoryReplSet } from 'mongodb-memory-server';

// This will create an new instance of "MongoMemoryReplSet" and automatically start all Servers
const replset = await MongoMemoryReplSet.create({ replSet: { count: 4 } }); // This will create an ReplSet with 4 members
// To use Transactions, the "storageEngine" needs to be changed to `wiredTiger`
const replset = await MongoMemoryReplSet.create({ replSet: { count: 4, storageEngine: 'wiredTiger' } }); // This will create an ReplSet with 4 members and storage-engine "wiredTiger"

const uri = replset.getUri();

// The ReplSet can be stopped again with
await replset.stop();

Final Notes


When you are not using a global instance for tests and run multi-threaded tests, it can cause Race Conditions.