Interface options for "db.createUser" (used for this package) This interface is WITHOUT the custom options from this package (Some text copied from This interface only exists, because mongodb dosnt provide such an interface for "createUser" (or as just very basic types)



authenticationRestrictions?: {
    clientSource?: string;
    serverAddress?: string;

The authentication restrictions the server enforces on the created user. Specifies a list of IP addresses and CIDR ranges from which the user is allowed to connect to the server or from which the server can accept users.

Type declaration

  • Optional clientSource?: string
  • Optional serverAddress?: string
createUser: string


customData?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Any arbitrary information. This field can be used to store any data an admin wishes to associate with this particular user.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any


this could be the users full name or employee id.
digestPassword?: boolean

Indicates whether the server or the client digests the password. "true" - The Server digests the Password "false" - The Client digests the Password

mechanisms?: ("SCRAM-SHA-1" | "SCRAM-SHA-256")[]

Specify the specific SCRAM mechanism or mechanisms for creating SCRAM user credentials.

pwd: string


roles: undefined | string | string[] | RoleSpecification | RoleSpecification[]

The Roles for the user, can be an empty array

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