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ReturnModelType<T, QueryHelpers>


type ReturnModelType<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>


U RequiredAnyParamConstructor<any>The type of a Class to get a Model type of
QueryHelpersQueryHelpersAdd Query Helpers to the type

The Type ReturnModelType<T, QueryHelpers> is the type used to have type information for a class converted to a Mongoose Model.

  • T is the logical AND of mongoose.Model<DocumentType<T>> and T
  • QueryHelpers is for a Query-Helpers interface, more here

When using Classes directly it has to always be typeof Class, to get the static representation of a class instead of the instance of a class.


This type should always be used over (internal) ModelType,


class Kitten {
public name?: string;

// this is a Model Method
public static findByName(this: ReturnModelType<typeof Kitten>, name: string) {
return this.find({ name }).exec(); // thanks to "ReturnModelType" "this" has type information

const KittenModel: ReturnModelType<typeof Kitten> = getModelForClass(Kitten);

Difference to ModelType

ModelType is the logical AND of mongoose.Model<DocumentType<T>> and T whereas ReturnModelType is an extension to ModelType: ModelType<InstanceType<U>> & U