Error & Warning Details
Mongoose Version [E001]
Error: Please use mongoose 8.11.0 or higher (Current mongoose: x.x.x) [E001]
Error Class: Error
Typegoose requires at least the mentioned mongoose version because that version was validated for that version of typegoose, previous / newer mongoose versions may have functional or type changes which are incompatible with the currently installed typegoose version.
NodeJS Version [E002]
Error: You are using a NodeJS Version below 16.20.1, Please Upgrade! [E002]
Error Class: Error
Typegoose requires at least NodeJS Version 16.20.1, because:
- it is the mongoose minimal nodejs version
- it is the lowest LTS version, which many (dev) dependencies already require
Function only supports to be called "${supported}
" times [E003]
Function "${functionName}" only supports to be called "${supported}" times with the same parameters [E003]
Error Class: FunctionCalledMoreThanSupportedError
For example addModelToTypegoose
only supports to be called once (1) with the same model name, this problem has a specific Guide.
Self Containing Class [E004]
It seems like the type used is the same as the target class, which is not supported (${name}.${key}) [E004]
Error Class: SelfContainingClassError
Because of limitations in JavaScript, it is not possible to use a self-containing-classes, but self-referencing still works
class Cat {
public kitten: Cat[]; // self-containing-class
// the above will "de-sugar" to
@prop({ type: Cat }) // self-containing-class
public kitten: Cat[];
class Cat {
@prop({ ref: () => Cat })
public kitten: Ref<Cat>[]; // not self-containing class
ref is undefined [E005]
Error: Prop-Option "ref"'s value is "null" or "undefined" for "${name}.${key}" [E005]
Error Class: RefOptionIsUndefinedError
- The Option
was defined with a function, but that function returnedundefined / null
- The Option
was defined withundefined / null
({ ref: undefined }
) (Can Be Solved with this guide)
Example of when this gets triggered:
class ErrorClass {
@prop({ ref: () => undefined }) // <- error here
public someProp?: Ref<ErrorClass>;
@prop({ ref: undefined }) // <- error here
public someProp?: Ref<ErrorClass>;
Not All Virtual Populate Elements Provided [E006]
Error: ${name}.${key}" has not all needed Virtual Populate Options! Needed are: ${allVirtualoptions.join(', ')} [E006]
Error Class: NotAllVPOPElementsError
Not all required Virtual-Populate options were provided, required are: localField, foreignField, ref
Get & Set Options [E007]
This Error got removed in 9.0.0Error:
"${name}.${key}" does not have a set function! [E007]
"${name}.${key}" does not have a get function! [E007]
Error Class: TypeError
When using the get & set
options, both are required to be specified at the same time
refPath must be of type String [E008]
This Error got removed in 9.0.0This Error got merged with E026
in 9.0.0
Error: "refPath" for "${name}, ${key}" should be of type String! [E008]
Error Class: TypeError
The Option refPath
needs to be defined as a string (mongoose limitation, typegoose check)
Invalid Type [E009]
Error: "${targetName}.${key}"'s Type is invalid! Type is: "${Type}" [E009]
Error Class: InvalidTypeError
The Type
in its final state (after checking rawOptions.type
and executing the deferring-function) is either undefined / null
or not being a function
Example of when this gets triggered:
enum TestEnum {}
class ErrorClass {
@prop({ type: () => undefined }) // <- error here, correct type: "String"
public someProp?: string;
@prop({ type: 'Hello' }) // <- error here, correct type: "String"
public someProp?: string;
@prop({ type: TestEnum }) // <- error here, correct type: "String"
public someProp?: TestEnum
Not String Type Error (Enum) [E010]
Typeof "${targetName}.${key}" is "String", used enum is not only Strings! [E010]
Encountered with property in Enum: ${enumKey}.${typeof enumValue}
Error Class: NotStringTypeError
This Error should never be thrown if Typescript is used, it throws if the Type
is String
and an enum
(option) is provided, but the enum is not only consisting of strings
Not Number Type Error (Enum) [E011]
Typeof "${targetName}.${key}" is "Number", value is undefined/null or does not have a reverse mapping! [E011]
Encountered with property: ${enumKey}.${typeof enumValue}
Error Class: NotNumberTypeError
This Error should never be thrown if Typescript is used, it throws if the Type
is Number
and an enum
(option) is provided, but the enum is not only consisting of numbers (checked by the reverse mapping)
Invalid Type for Enum [E012]
Invalid Type used for options "enum" at "${name}.${key}"! [E012]
Type: "${toStringNoFail(value)}"
Error Class: InvalidEnumTypeError
This Error may get thrown when a invalid Type is used with the option enum
Currently Valid Types for enum are String
or Number
This may be thrown when using typescript option transpileOnly
(see Known Issues: transpile-only) or using Babel without proper configuration (see Known Issues: Babel).
This Error has a workaround, see Use Without "emitDecoratorMetadata".
Invalid PropType used [E013]
Error: "${proptype}"(${where}) is invalid for "${name}.${key}" [E013]
Error Class: InvalidPropTypeError
The Value ${proptype}
is not supported in ${where}
or does not exist in the PropType
Input was not string or have .typegooseName function/string [E014]
Input was not a string AND didn't have a .typegooseName function AND didn't have a .typegooseName string [E014]
Value: "${toStringNoFail(input)}"
Error Class: ResolveTypegooseNameError
The Provided Input input
was not a string and didn't have a .typegooseName
function / string to be searched by.
customName must be string and at least one character [E015]
This Error got removed in 9.0.0This Error got merged with E026
in 9.0.0
Error: "customName" must be a string AND at least one character ("${baseName}") [E015]
Error Class: TypeError
The customName
option must be a String AND at least one character long
Type doesn't have "OptionsConstructor" [E016]
Type has a invalid "OptionsConstructor" on "${name}.${key}"! [E016]
Type: "${toStringNoFail(type)}"
Error Class: InvalidOptionsConstructor
The Type provided type
does not have a OptionsConstructor
property, this property is required to map options correctly.
Typegoose uses the property OptionsConstructor
on types (like mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId.OptionsConstructor
) to correctly map the options (from @prop(options)
) to the appropriate place.
If custom types are used and they don't have OptionsConstructor
, and an easy way to workaround this error is the following:
mongoose.Schema.Types.Custom.OptionsConstructor = {}; // only do this if really necessary
mongoose.Schema.Types.Custom.OptionsConstructor = mongoose.SchemaTypeOptions; // prefer this if possible
Setting "Mixed" is not allowed [E017]
Error: Setting "Mixed" is not allowed! (${name}, ${key}) [E017]
Error Class: TypeError
The option to change Severity is set to Severity.ERROR
The Severity can be set:
- Globally with
. - Class-wide with
. - Property-Specific with
dim needs to be 1 or higher [E018]
Error: "dim" needs to be higher than 0 (${name}.${key}) [E018]
Error Class: RangeError
The Option dim
must be at least 1 or higher, because an array with 0 (or less) dimensions is not possible
Assertion Error [E019]
Error: Assert failed - no custom error [E019]
Error Class: AssertionFallbackError
This Error should never show up, if it does report it
PropOptions.discriminators doesn't support Arrays with more or less than 1 dimension [E020]
This Error got removed in 9.4.0This Error got merged with E027
in 9.4.0
Error: "PropOptions.discriminators" doesn't support Arrays higher and lower than 1 (got "${gotType.dim}" dimensions at "${name}.${key}") [E020]
Error Class: Error
Somewhere the option discriminators
was defined with an array which had more or less than 1 dimension
Example of when this gets triggered:
class ErrorClass {
@prop({ discriminators: () => [[ErrorClass]] }) // <- error here
public someProp?: ErrorClass; // (this is just an example)
@prop({ discriminators: () => ErrorClass }) // <- error here
public someProp?: ErrorClass; // (this is just an example)
PropOptions.ref doesn't support Arrays [E021]
This Error got removed in 9.4.0This Error got merged with E027
in 9.4.0
Error: Prop-Option "ref" does not support Arrays! (got "${dim}" dimensions, for property "${name}.${key}") [E021]
Error Class: OptionRefDoesNotSupportArraysError
Somewhere the option ref
was defined with an array, which is not supported
Example of when this gets triggered:
class ErrorClass {
@prop({ ref: () => [ErrorClass] }) // <- error here
public someProp?: Ref<ErrorClass>;
Return type of function assigned to "customName" doesn't return a string or is empty [E022]
This Error got removed in 9.0.0This Error got merged with E026
in 9.0.0
Error: The return type of the function assigned to "customName" must be a string and must not be empty! ("${baseName}") [E022]
Error Class: TypeError
The function used to create a custom model name (via the modelOptions
"option" prop) must return a string and it should not be empty.
"ref" is not supported for "${propKind}
"! (${name}
, ${key}
) [E023]
This Error got removed in 9.0.0
This Error got merged with E013
in 9.0.0
"ref" is not supported for "${propKind}"! (${name}, ${key}) [E023]
"refPath" is not supported for "${propKind}"! (${name}, ${key}) [E023]
Error Class: TypeError
, TypeError
The option ref
/ refPath
are not supported for this propKind
(which in most cases is MAP
A property key in Typegoose cannot be an symbol! [E024]
Error: A property key in Typegoose cannot be an symbol! (${name}.${String(key)}) [E024]
Error Class: CannotBeSymbolError
A Property Key in Typegoose cannot be a Symbol, it must be a String (also a limitation of mongoose)
Expected "${where}
" to be a valid mongoose.Model! [E025]
Error: Expected "${where}" to be a valid mongoose.Model! (got: "${model}") [E025]
Error Class: NotValidModelError
A Valid instance of mongoose.Model
was expected at where
, but was not given a valid model.
Expected String to have length [E026]
Error: Expected "${valueName}" to have at least length of "${length}" (got: "${got}", where: "${where}") [E026]
Error Class: StringLengthExpectedError
Expected valueName
to be a String and have at least the length of length
, but got length / value got
at where
This Error gets most commonly thrown when:
is a Function, but the function does not return a String or the returned String does not have the required length.customName
is defined, but is not a String or the defined String does not have the required length.refPath
is defined, but is not a String or the defined String does not have the required length.
The Option does not support a Option Value [E027]
Error: The Option "${currentOption}" does not support Option "${problemOption}" other than "${expected}" (provided was: "${provided}") [E027]
Error Class: OptionDoesNotSupportOption
The Option currentOption
does not support the value provided
that was set for problemOption
, expected value was expected
This Error gets most commonly thrown when:
- Option
's function return value is not a array. - Option
' function return value is a multi-layer array. - Option
's value or function return value is a array.
Example of when this gets triggered:
class ErrorClassDiscriminators {
@prop({ discriminators: () => [[ErrorClass]] }) // <- error here
public someProp?: ErrorClass; // (this is just an example)
@prop({ discriminators: () => ErrorClass }) // <- error here
public someProp?: ErrorClass; // (this is just an example)
@prop({ ref: () => [ErrorClass] }) // <- error here
public someProp?: Ref<ErrorClass>;
Value is not a function or does not have a constructor [E028]
Value is not a function or does not have a constructor! [E028]
Value: "${toStringNoFail(value)}"
Error Class: NoValidClassError
The Input variable (stringified) value
is not a function or/and does not have a constructor (
Example of when this gets triggered:
getModelForClass(undefined); // first argument is the class
getDiscriminatorModelForClass(ParentModel, undefined); // second argument is the class
addModelToTypegoose("ModelName", ModelSchema, undefined); // third argument is the class
buildSchema(undefined); // first argument is the class
deleteModelWithClass(undefined); // first argument is the class
getName(undefined); // first argument is the class
Expected Argument to have type [E029]
Error: Expected Argument "${optionName}" to have type "${expected}", got: "${toStringNoFail(got)}" [E029]
Error Class: ExpectedTypeError
The Argument optionName
is expected to be of type expected
, but type was got
Example of when this gets triggered:
setGlobalOptions(undefined); // Expected input(name of first argument) to be a defined object
deleteModel(undefined); // Expected name(name of first argument) to be a string
getModelWithString(undefined); // Expected key(name of first argument) to be a string
@pre('', undefined) // Expected fn(name of second argument) to be a function
@post('', undefined) // Expected fn(name of second argument) to be a function
class SomeClass {}
@pre('', () => {}, '')) // Expected options(name of third argument) to be a object or undefined
@post('', () => {}, '') // Expected options(name of third argument) to be a object or undefined
class SomeClass {}
Path does not exist on Schema [E030]
Error: Path "${key}" on "${name}" does not exist in the Schema! [E030]
Error Class: PathNotInSchemaError
This gets thrown when the path key
does not exist and a nested discriminator is tried to be applied.
If this Error is encountered, please open a new Issue in Github.
Path does not have function "discriminator" [E031]
Error: Path "${name}.${key}" does not have a function called "discriminator"! (Nested Discriminator cannot be applied) [E031]
Error Class: NoDiscriminatorFunctionError
The Path key
of Schema name
does not have a function called discriminator
, which id needed to apply a nested discriminator.
If this Error is encountered, please open a new Issue in Github.
Duplicate Option Definition [E032]
Error: Duplicate Option definition at [${duplicateAt.join(',')}] [E032]
Error Class: DuplicateOptionsError
The options at duplicateAt
are defined, but only one can be used.
This Error gets most commonly thrown when:
- When option
is defined both as a prop-option and as a model-option.
This Error can be fixed by only defining one of the mention options.
Cache Disabled [E033]
Error: Tried using cache, but was disabled at "${where}" [E033]
Error Class: CacheDisabledError
Tried using a function (where
) that required cache, but cache was disabled.
Type is not ${type}
, but includes the following ${extra}
options [W001]
Type of "${name}.${key}" is not ${type}, but includes the following ${extra} options [W001]:
[${included.join(', ')}]
The provided options (listed in the warning) do nothing with the provided Type
Property was defined differently on base and discriminator [W002]
Property "${property}" was defined on "${clName}", but is different from discriminator base "${fromName}", which is not supported! [W002]
The Property existingConnection
or existingMongoose
were defined differently on the discriminator's base model and the discriminator itself, which is not supported.