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function modelOptions(options: IModelOptions): ClassDecorator


options RequiredIModelOptionsThe Options to add to the Class

@modelOptions is used to set options on a Class.



Please check the Mongoose docs for more info about these options.


@modelOptions({ schemaOptions: { collection: 'NotSomething' } })
class Something {}


An existing Mongoose connection can also be passed down. If given, Typegoose uses this Mongoose instance's model methods.


An existing Mongoose instance can also be passed down. If given, Typegoose uses this Mongoose instance's model methods.


Typegoose's custom options


customName can be used to set custom model names.

See also Typegoose's Name Generation


@modelOptions({ options: { customName: 'Something' } })
class MultiModel {}

const model = getModelForClass(MultiModel);

You can generate more dynamic names, if customName is given a function. The parameter object of the modelOptions decorator is injected into the function for possible further use.


schemaOptions: { collection: 'SomethingDifferent' },
options: {
automaticName: false,
customName: (options) => `${options.schemaOptions?.collection}_someSuffix`
class MultiModel {}

const model = getModelForClass(MultiModel);

If a function is used, automaticName will be ignored. Also, if the function doesn't return a string, an error will be thrown.

If customName is used with automaticName, it will be a suffix of the class name.


@modelOptions({ options: { customName: 'Something', automaticName: true } })
class MultiModel {}

const model = getModelForClass(MultiModel);


automaticName can be used to automatically generate custom model names based on { schemaOptions: { collection } } or { options: { customName } }
-> customName will be prioritized over collection
-> if automaticName is true, customName will be a suffix of the base class name -> if automaticName is false, it will behave as if unset

See also Typegoose's Name Generation


// yes this is the same example as the one above
@modelOptions({ options: { customName: 'Something', automaticName: true } })
class MultiModel {}

const model = getModelForClass(MultiModel);

On request, this was made "opt-in" instead of "opt-out".


Set this to a Severity you want.

  • ALLOW: allow the use and execution of mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, if the inferred type cannot be set otherwise
  • WARN: [default] Warn for it in the logger, but still allow the use of it
  • ERROR: Error out when it comes to it


Default: false

Enable Overwriting of the plugins on the "to-be" discriminator schema with the base schema's.


This does not actually "merge plugins", it will overwrite the "to-be" discriminator's plugins with the base schema's!


If enableMergePlugins and enableMergeHooks are both false, then the global plugins will be automatically applied by typegoose, see Mongoose Issue #12696.


Default: false

Enable Merging of Hooks.

Example of what can be deduplicated:

// this is a global function and can be de-duplicated, because they are the same reference
function hookTestTimesGlobal() {}

function pluginTestTimes(schema) {
pluginCount += 1;
// the following function cannot be de-duplicated, because they are a new reference each time the plugin gets called
schema.pre('save', function hookTestTimesNonGlobal() {});
schema.pre('save', hookTestTimesGlobal);

options: {
enableMergeHooks: true, // needs to be set, because by default typegoose does not need de-duplication
class MergeHooks {
public dummy?: string;

Only hooks that can be matched against each-other can be de-duplicated.


If enableMergePlugins and enableMergeHooks are both false, then the global plugins will be automatically applied by typegoose, see Mongoose Issue #12696.


Default: false


This option does not get inherited anymore since 11.7.0.

Disable inheriting lower indexes (still include self), similar to native mongoose schema.clone().clearIndexes().


@index({ dummy1: 1 })
class IndexInherit5 {
public dummy1?: string;

@index({ dummy2: 1 })
@modelOptions({ options: { disableLowerIndexes: true } }) // does not inherit index "{ dummy1: 1 }", but will still include "{ dummy2: 1 }"
class IndexInherit6 extends IndexInherit5 {
public dummy2?: string;

@index({ dummy3: 1 })
class IndexInherit7 extends IndexInherit6 {
public dummy3?: string;

const sch = buildSchema(IndexInherit7);

const indexes = sch.indexes();
assert(indexes.length === 2);


Accepts Type: () => [DiscriminatorObject | Class]

Define Nested Discriminators on the base Class directly instead of having to re-define the discriminators option everywhere it is used.


A Error is thrown when both this option and the prop-option discriminators are defined.
See Duplicate Option Definition [E032].


schemaOptions: {
discriminatorKey: 'type'
options: {
discriminators: () => [Garage, SummerHouse] // here instead of as a "prop-option"
class Building {
@prop({ default: 100 })
public width: number;

@prop({ required: true })
public type: string;

class Garage extends Building {
@prop({ default: 10 })
public slotsForCars: number;

class SummerHouse extends Building {
@prop({ default: 100 })
public distanceToLake: number;

class Area {
@prop({ type: Building }) // instead of having to define it here
public buildings: Building[];

const AreaModel = getModelForClass(Area);

// then somewhere in an async function
const area = await AreaModel.create({});
area.buildings.push({ type: getName(SummerHouse), distanceToLake: 100 } as SummerHouse);
area.buildings.push({ type: getName(Garage), slotsForCars: 20 } as Garage);

See Nested Discriminators for a guide on how to use nested Discriminators.


Default: false

Disable Caching for current Class (and all classes extending it) or for just a call (for buildSchema / getModelForClass / getDiscriminatorModelForClass).

This Option will NOT overwrite the global disableGlobalCaching if set.


// some values to keep references
let KittenModel1: mongoose.Model<any>;
let KittenModel2: mongoose.Model<any>;
let KittenClass1: AnyParamConstructor<any>;
let KittenClass2: AnyParamConstructor<any>;
class Kitten {
public name?: string;

KittenModel1 = getModelForClass(Kitten, { options: { disableCaching: true } });
KittenClass1 = Kitten;
assert.ok(getModelWithString(getName(KittenClass1)) === undefined); // caching was disabled locally, so it cannot be found - because it was never added
class Kitten {
public nameTag?: string;

KittenModel2 = getModelForClass(Kitten, {
existingConnection: mongoose.createConnection(),
KittenClass2 = Kitten;
assert.ok(getModelWithString(getName(KittenClass2))); // caching was enabled, so the second can be found

// the following will return the "KittenModel2" instance, because both classes have the same name but only the second one was added to the caching
// and caching currently works by (typegoose generated) name
const KittenModel3 = getModelForClass(KittenClass1);
// Note that the above *would* work if "disableCaching" would be defined via a "@modelOptions" decorator, because then caching would also have been disabled here

assert.ok(KittenModel1 !== KittenModel2); // check that both original models do not match, because caching was disabled they are different

assert.ok(KittenModel3 === KittenModel2); // check that "KittenModel3" is the same reference as "KittenModel2", because "KittenClass2" was added with caching and has the same name