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Typegoose's Name Generation

In Typegoose the name generation can vary somewhat, this guide will explain all possible ways a name gets generated.


This Guide will use the assertion function that typegoose provides.
TL;DR: This function is basically like NodeJS's assert, just more typescript friendly.


The default, without any options the name that gets generated is the Class Name.


class SomeClass {
public someProp: string;

// The resulting name will be the class name
assertion(getName(SomeClass) === 'SomeClass');

Using with automaticName

When using the option automaticName, there are multiple cases when having collection defined.


// Example without having "collection" defined
@modelOptions({ options: { automaticName: true } })
class SomeClassWithoutCollection {
public someProp: string;

// The resulting name will be the class name
assertion(getName(SomeClassWithoutCollection) === 'SomeClassWithoutCollection');

// Example having "collection" defined
@modelOptions({ schemaOptions: { collection: 'someCollection' }, options: { automaticName: true } })
class SomeClassWithoutCollection {
public someProp: string;

// The resulting name will be a combination of the class name and the collection
assertion(getName(SomeClassWithoutCollection) === 'SomeClassWithoutCollection_someCollection');

Using with customName

When using the option customName, it will be the name that gets generated.


// Example having "customName" statically set
@modelOptions({ options: { customName: "Hello" } })
class SomeClassWithCustomName {
public someProp: string;

// The resulting name will be the statically defined "customName"
assertion(getName(SomeClassWithCustomName) === 'Hello');

// Example having "customName" be a function
let counter = 0;
@modelOptions({ options: { customName: () => {
return "Hello" + counter;
} } })
class SomeClassWithCustomNameFunction {
public someProp: string;

// The resulting name will be the generated "customName"
assertion(getName(SomeClassWithCustomNameFunction) === 'Hello0');
assertion(getName(SomeClassWithCustomNameFunction) === 'Hello1');

Using with automaticName and customName

When using option automaticName and customName together, the resulting name will be a combination of the class name and customName.


// Example having "customName" statically set and having "automaticName"
@modelOptions({ options: { customName: "Hello", automaticName: true } })
class SomeClassWithCustomNameAndAutomaticName {
public someProp: string;

// The resulting name will be a combination of the class name and "customName"
assertion(getName(SomeClassWithCustomNameAndAutomaticName) === 'SomeClassWithCustomNameAndAutomaticName_Hello');

Simple Matrix

This is a simple matrix to show what interacts with what, or also called a Truth Table.

x means it is unset
Class namecustomNameautomaticNamecollectionResult