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Change _id Type

You can easily change the type of the _id field by doing:

class SomeChangedID {
public _id!: string; // change the type of _id to string

The example above sets the _id type to be a string, but does not provide a default function, so the _id property needs to be always set manually before saving / inserting a document, use the default option to set a function to generate a new id everytime, be careful to not forget that using default: fn() will only call the function once at scope time instead of everytime a new document is created.

class SomeUUIDv4 {
@prop({ required: true, default: () => uuidv4() })
public _id!: string;

The _id property can also be disabled for subdocuments, with the prop option _id: false for the field in the class that uses the subdocument, or the schema option _id, but note that the schema-option does not disable _id if it is not a sub-document.

@modelOptions({ schemaOptions: { _id: false } }) // with the schema option
class WithNoId {
public someValue: string;

class SomeChangedID {
@prop({ type: WithNoId, _id: false }) // or with the prop-option
public someField: WithNoId[];

With the Base Interface


It is recommended to use the manual approach over using Base, because default classes & interfaces may be removed in the future and dont greatly support extending from each other.

There is also a Base interface typegoose provides, which includes _id and id, which can be used as follows:

interface Something extends Base<string> {} // have the interface to add the types of "Base" to the class
class Something { // have your class, OR
public _id: string;
class Something extends TimeStamps { // have your class extend some other class
public _id: string;

The _id property needs to also be included in the actual class, because the default interface Base doesn't change anything at runtime (Base does not use @prop).


This method (extending Base) can only be used with types that are in RefType (all of mongoose.Schema.Types should work except Array, Mixed, Boolean).